A Bollywood filmmaker spending Rs.100 crore on a movie is no longer unusual. A Bollywood film earning Rs.100 crore has become even more common. It’s now the turn of television broadcasters to come up with Rs.100 crore TV shows.
Star India launched Mahabharat on its flagship channel Star Plus on September 16, more than two decades after national broadcaster Doordarshan ran the epic series. The new Mahabharat, to run over 128 episodes (Approx. 6 Months), is being touted as the country’s most expensive TV series — Star has invested Rs.100 crore on the project and spent another Rs.20 crore on marketing the show.
For the Rs.100 crore shows, one would expect advertising rates to be higher than usual. A 10-second spot on popular game show Kaun Banega Crorepati on Sony TV is Rs.5 lakh. However, Star India, says a senior media planner, is charging its usual rate of Rs.2 lakh for a 10-second spot on Mahabharat. Madhok of Star says the channel already has close to 10 advertisers on board and the inventory is filling up fast.
Star India launched Mahabharat on its flagship channel Star Plus on September 16, more than two decades after national broadcaster Doordarshan ran the epic series. The new Mahabharat, to run over 128 episodes (Approx. 6 Months), is being touted as the country’s most expensive TV series — Star has invested Rs.100 crore on the project and spent another Rs.20 crore on marketing the show.
For the Rs.100 crore shows, one would expect advertising rates to be higher than usual. A 10-second spot on popular game show Kaun Banega Crorepati on Sony TV is Rs.5 lakh. However, Star India, says a senior media planner, is charging its usual rate of Rs.2 lakh for a 10-second spot on Mahabharat. Madhok of Star says the channel already has close to 10 advertisers on board and the inventory is filling up fast.
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